Features of our Institute

We hereby very proudly would like to bring to your kind notice that in the year we have successfully conducted our various Training Programmes held at different parts of India , wherein 280 Officers & Officials resp. from Reserve Bank of India, located all over India have participated in our Training Programmes.

In the past few years , on regular basis , we are Conducting 5 days Residential training programme on different topics Such as SC/ST Reservation policy , Leadership skills etc etc for group of 15-20 employees of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd ( H A L ), representing Union / Assons, from their various offices/plants located all over India.

In the past few months, keeping in view the need of the day , we have conducted 3 Tailor made workshops , splly for Sr officers , who are about to retire, on a topic i.e on “HOW TO PLAY YOUR SECOND INNININGS ----- LIFE AFTER RETIREMENT.” We conducted workshops at Mysore ,Goa & Shimla. The workshops were highly appreciated by the participants .

During Nov. & DEC 2015 , we have conducted 2 Residential Training . Programs of 3 days each for group of 30 persons each , comprising Officers from PSUs & Govt Deptt , on “ HOW TO MANAGE STRESS -- STRESS MGT FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE ”. AT Nainital & Goa .

Earlier, in June 2015 , we have also conducted 2 Trg. Prog s of 3 days each for group of 30 persons each , comprising Non Technical staff of Bhartiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd , Kalpakkam ( T.N)on “ on IMPROVING BEHAVIOURAL /COMMUNICATION / INTER PERSONNEL RELATIONS”. AT their KalpaKKam Project .

Besides that in Nov & JAn , we have conducted 2 Tailor made Training Programmes for developing Leadership skills of Union Officers/ members representing PSUs & Electricity board

In OCT & Nov 2012 , we have also conducted 2 groups each of 25 persons exclusively for Ladies employees Of K R I B H CO , Surat at Shimla & Nainital.

We are very proud to bring to your kind notice, that Our Institute was the First Institute to initiate any training programme for class IV employees. we have conducted 5 Residential workshops specially for class IV employees , on Developing their Communication / Public Dealing skills for 3 days , working in various PSUs & Govt Deptt, located all over India , by charging highly concessional course fees .

besides this, we have conducted 6 Residential training programmes of 3 days , each group consisting of 18-20 Class IV employees of Delhi Development Autho( D D A ) , New Delhi, for Improving Their Communication & Public Dealing Skills , conducted by us at Shimla , Manali & Nainital .

In July 2013, we have conducted 2 Training Programs of four days each at Manali for Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad , D R D O , Ministry of Defence , Govt. of India , in which 22 Officials / Staff Members have participated in our Training Program on “Stress Management” & besides that, later , their 15 Sr. Officers have also participated in our Training Program on “ Right To Information Act 2005” conducted by us , at Manali.

Later in DEC , 2013 also , we have conducted I more Training Programs of four days ( DEC 21-24,2012 ) at Goa for Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad , Ministry of Defence , Govt. of India , in which 20 Officials / Staff Members have participated in our Training Program on “ Effective Communication & Stress Management”

In June 2015, we have conducted a Training Programme for a group of 14 officers of K P T C L , Bangalore, on “ ROLE OF EMPLOYEES/ UNIONS FOR EFFECTIVE VIGILANCE “AT Hotel Tibet,Gangtok( Sikkim ) from June 11-14, 2015

In Sept 23-24, 2013, we have conducted an Inhouse Training Programme for 20 Sr officers/ Officials , coming from different locations of India, of Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi , on “ C C S ( C C A ) RULES 1965”